Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Building Construction 1

Project 1

Experiencing Construction: Experiencing, documentation and analyzing construction process

Our task for project 1 was to select ongoing construction site which visibly covers most of subject topics covered in the syllabus. Our selected sites must be medium rise or low rise buildings, for example: bungalow, terrace houses or maximum 4-storeys building. We were to identify different types of building elements and its construction process, details and materials. We were asked to study and record construction of different building elements, which we have learnt in this module. We should be able to show and apply ourknowledge in the details of the building construction drawing that we should provide a reflecting of our understanding of the construction itself. It should be an A3 bound report complete with visuals, sketches and manual drawings inclusive of the detailing and documentation of the project we have selected. The sketches must be hand drawn, neat, clear and annotated. The report should include construction process, methods, material, site context. We must be able to explain the specification of material used in construction, dimensions and sizes of components, standards of descriptions, procedures of constructing the components, and also construction response to site context (environmental issues related to sustainable development) in the report.

This was a long and difficult project as we had trouble finding a suitable construction site. Our visits to the construction sites were delayed but nevertheless successful. By visiting the site and talking to people there, we managed to understand the process of how a building is built from foundation to roof. The site visits helped us greatly in doing the report as we got to see the details ourselves. However, we did our fair amount of research to understand better and to be able to produce quality drawings.

Here is the link to view our report

Project 2

Integrated Construction Detailing/Drawings

This project is a continuation of the first project-an integrated project where it involves construction detailing solution for final project in design studio. This project is designed to allow the demonstration of knowledge and understanding of construction and application from prior project. Emphasis in producing related manual construction drawing. In this project, we should develop and demonstrate some knowledge of construction, materials and structural theory in a small scale design project. Our task for this project were to identify and propose 3 details for selected element or part of the building apart from providing the necessary plans, section and elevations. The 3 architectural details should cover the roof, superstructure and the foundation. The details must be drawn manually and have appropriate specifications, symbols and dimensions to reflect the proposed materials clearly. The selected detail should be details of interesting construction solutions for our own design. 

Similar the the previous semester, our final project was a integrated one with Design Studio. This time, it was much harder as we have learned more and basically know how a building is built. I have chosen the construction materials and methods that I thought was appropriate for my design. 

A2 presentation board of integrated project

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